Upcoming Auction | Valentines Antiques & Interiors Sale | 14th February 2025 | 10:00 AM GMT

Ceramics & Glass
Ceramics & Glass

Ceramics & Glass

Each of our regular Catalogue sales includes a dedicated Ceramics and Glass section.

Items offered span a wide range of styles and values. Clarice Cliff, Moorcroft and Beswick, Royal Worcester and Crown Derby form a bedrock of British items. Sunderland, Prattware and Masonic pieces together with many others are regularly on offer.  Sevres and Meissen porcelain and other continental pieces from France and Germany and around the globe add to the mix.

Recent successes have been the sale of an extremely rare Wedgwood Fairyland Lustre pot with cover, estimated at £3,000 - £4,000.

Glassware can include Lalique, Murano, and Limoges, or 18th-century air twist wine glasses and fine Baccarat crystal.

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